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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Underwear....tee hee hee!

Yes, we had U week at school! This is always the student's favorite week because to learn the letter U all we talk about is underwear. There are always giggles when anyone says the word "underwear".  I read them the books Underwear and Dinosaurs Love you can imagine, I am asked to reread these books ALOT during the week. They are both hilarious stories about animals & dinosaurs that love to wear underwear. After reading these stories a few times during the week we talk about how the illustrator designed all the underwear. Some underwear has bananas, palm trees, rainbows, bones, stripes, etc. The students are then asked to pick a pair of underwear (girls pick between panties & bloomers, boys pick between briefs & boxers) and they design their own underwear with matching undershirts. After they have completed their underwear masterpieces, they write in the frame, "My underwear has..." . Of course, we hang our funny underwear in the hallway for all to see. Then, we write a letter to the principal asking her to come down and check out our underwear! Here are a few examples of our underwear...I really wish these would rotate so they could be viewed easier! UGH!
This is the display in the hallway.

Pizza underwear

Balloon underwear

Heart underwear

Star underwear


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